Thursday, February 25, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

HOW 2 FIND the NO CRIME missing $40k

since the early 80" do to airplane Hi_jacking,and the :war' against DRUGs, and to understand where the flow of American money ended UP.( federal LAW,,AMERICAN MONEY used anywhere that used to do BUY,ILLEGAL drugs,,is a crime for the money using that money//so a legal exchanges of American money in CANADA, can be charged as a CRIME,,si many "who" buy in Canada, exchange at the casino.sometime a BONUs,,buys using Canadian, That's why, Diamonds and GOLd is the money of DRUG DEALERs, and  as B LING, 

SO this SUPER cover-up of a VERY public used of CORRUTed power, a very consisted THEME,in TROY,MICH.

the Z-man never really left..but tried to a patsy, to FORCE and test the restance or wakeful eye of the populace  ,4 the  Z-man's plan for TROY,  MASTER plan, to get a lightning rod  , coxcomb type, but that person was really a flabbergast ,  a man of PETER Principle Management system ,of city-managers system.,,put a dummy in to replace you ,when the plan IS? to Return !!!

 in TROY's historic records, the poor volunteer fire deptment, brought wetlands in TROY and brought  FEW 1- ???? CABINS,,ONLY IN Michigan??ONLY??at one TIME,,the TROY police ONLY vette CLUB have over 100 members. in the early 70,s..but the police were very UNpaid.

SO the IDEA OF::

THE underpaid police brought land in FLORIDA, AND made a retirement home 4 police ??

can be made!!

what's $40k//.when a FUNNY TV PROGRAM,,THE UNIT..bragging 'LOSE-ING' off the TOP. IT'S just TAX money.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Worker takes Control of Sales at

I lqqked in my pocket,,oh OH,,TIME to reload my beer fund, on Rochester ,,at 3rd bank/something??/thought since my moneys were full of money..Spend some money in TROY...been working on many designs, for my Hill Billy,,TROY mansion, 

lord y,lord y..a carpet place..a very nice sales person,,worked very hard,,and i brought a small rug,,that ,,asked and was told,,that this could be cut in half, using a rug cutter, I came home realize-ing,,I forgot to request the cutting..?? worker refused to cut,because the pattern 'might' not seamless matched-up..I the person buying,,it does not matter,,but the worker still refuses,,WHAT !!!,BETTER FIND A PLACE,WITH CUSTOMER IS 'right' place.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Why money does not WORK ?

the City of TROY was organize in a planned protection of TROY Township being "cherry picked' by the surrounding cities, basicly the TROY TRANSIT center area,FORD TRACTOR at the TIME, an indoor rifle range in the basement, So the 'shot gun" START of TROY,the city came in2 being..Design or by being Rushed in2 a CITY.S0000OOOOooooooooooooo, since the beginning Groups by design, dumbest or default , came in2 a money STREAMs..instead of 'thinking' what's good 4 the City ,Turn towards projects intended 2 emprove city/Government 2day,,used KEYWORDs,,and by using master's of revisionism  zone-ing regulations and understanding basic reasons,,lands were zoned as needed.

as When I came to BAKER JUNIOR high,,found out.all student 7th grade representatives were handed pick by the TEACHERS, typical way,the super-rich works, so when the 1st meeting was called over the inter-com,,the the list 4 the  8th grade were 'elected,,had to have a 'c' average to be counted as a human,I guess,,manybecame our city employees in TIME. [non-c types. and the list 4 7th grade all most made me sick..all k-ss b-tts,,I stood up,and started to the DOOR..I was "questioned"why? I'm going 2 this "closed student meeting.same people meeting 2day in secert lawful CLOSED meetings..,I SAID,,I was a LOBBYISTs..lqqking out for the inersets of the D and E students,,SO I been dealing with the TEACHER's kiss a-- people since 7th grade. now you might understand,,THROWING money to these same people.,,same result ,,these poeple will br richer,,and TROY will still be BANKRUPT.